Saturday, July 19, 2008

David is a pussy

Yep. True story, david actually dreams about you guys... I bet he cried while writing his post...
However, i must say that i share his feelings, those were the best 6 months of my life.

I will miss each and everyone one of you (not you Adria) for the rest of my life (not you Alvaro), even Carlijn (no Moflo and no Conde i didnt do anything with her).
The parties, the football games, the poker games, the drinking games, the PES (still haven't beaten me Joan), the talks about nothing and everything, the dinners (by the way, Pierre, you have to teach me to do some of those amazing sauces), the weed, the shrooms ("What else?"), the elevator ("Fuck you Joao" or "Fuckin' Joao"). Man, what a long sentence.
Everything about that place was great even the fact that i had to put up with fucking Adria. Let me just finish by saying: Fucking Portugal we played like shit in the Euro! Congrats to all you fucking spanish people!

Last thing, my girlfriend is pregnant i am gonna be a father!!!!

P.S. Poker?

Lotta Love (Who the hell says that?),

Fuckin' Joao


Anonymous said...

Are u sure about Carlijn??(Amazing that after 7 months u still remember the spelling ..ehem ehem)
I'm asking that because when u left she was asking about u.She ask me if u already left or not.

take care

P.S.: Fucking Joao!!

I 'd like to know who the thell was still writting this until Juny ???!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

again forget to sign ,hélène