Monday, July 28, 2008

From the south of Spain...

Hello people!!

How is your new life going?? I have heard about some people that had already left our wonderful city, and I think that more or less we have all the same feeling about being back home. The truth is that I have been doing here a lot of things but still I think about you every single day. I came yesterday from an amazing trip in Portugal with all my friends, and I have to say that It has been incredible, we had a lot of fun there but despite this, I was always thinking how it could have been if you were there. About you Mahsa, I'm really happy that missing your plane became a good situation. You guys, that changed your trip not to let her alone was a behaviour that says a lot of good things about you, and make me feel very proud of the kind of friends that i did during my erasmus. When I talked to my parents telling them what had happened and that you had changed your trip to go to Brussels to stay with mahsa my father told me - Marisol, these are the kind of things that just good friends in life do, It shows the strong friendship you made there - and I have to say that I feel proud and lucky about this.
For the rest, I am waiting till the first of august to go to Almuñecar and spent there some days in summer. I know that maybe some of you will come to visit me but you are all invited!!!

I don¡t have a lot of new things to tell, just that fortunately my summer is going really good and here I also have a lot of good persons that were waiting for me. I keep talking about you as the best erasmus ever because after talking with a lot of pepole I am sure that our group was the best.

I can not wait to see you, and you those that are far I am sure that we will see again.



PD: Adria, really good idea to make this blog. It is nice to heard from all of u.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Conchi, but actually it was Mario and Mahsa's idea, I only helped them at the execution stage.

Have fun in the beach!

I'll see you soon.

Another thing. Since I came back I can't log in to write something. Does it happen to anybody else? Sucks.

Anonymous said...

It's Adria

Anonymous said...

Miss you too Mari!!! I miss MaryHelen in action!!

See U in a sec,

Anonymous said...

Glad you're enjoying your summer roomie.

And the guys are wonderful for not leaving me alone in Brussels. It was great seeing you all again.

I love you all.
