Hola tios que pasa ????
I came back from barlcelonafor a week now where i could practise my Spanish ( in a successful way i would say but probably joan and adria wouldn’t…) .
So, 2 amazing days started after a road trip quite strange to get there ( my driver was just crazy : driving on the emergency line sometimes and about 150km per hour in average (take your calculator mahsa…), Adria and Joan were kindly waiting for me ( actually we waited for mister late (joan) one more time..).
We went to Chimo’s place to meet Joan faus, Mariona, Hélène and Chimichimo.
Suddenly (as a Marisol pronunciation) fucking Hector and Conde ( of course…) appeared in the apartment ( surprise managed by Adria and them). So imagine the happiness of the moment that leads us to do only one thing: “let’s open the whisky bottle!”
We did it….
It was almost the same that being into a Sarphati’s room, even if of course lot of people were missing. We decided then to move to the famous “razzmatazz”.
I m not going to be able to tell u exactly what happened in the club cause things were not that clear in my mind, I just no one security guys wanted to kill me at the end, looking at me like a killer and screaming “que pasa, que pasa!!!”….nervous man
I have to noticed that I sleep with a barca cover that smelt like Etto or maybe it was adria‘s….don’t know.
Therefore after having a great lunch that only chimo as the secret, conde and I decide to make tourism…. Disaster, Conde being the worst guy of the history of humanity. So after five minutes in front of “Sagrada de familia” we went to starbuckcoffee……. No comment.
Fortunately Hector arrived and I got some really interesting information (normal it‘s hector you are probably thinking).
Besides, magic fountains;And we realized on of my dream by going to CAMP NOU to watch amazing match 6-0 for barca with Etto scoring 4 goals in one half and Messi playing like god ( even if Henry was a shame for me..).Nacho joined us (finally) as well.
We finished this great night by a lovely coffee.
On Sunday it was, first “burger kinggggggg”, then visit of the center with a “tapas lunch” and a last lovely coffee before
After that just the time for Adria, Joan and me to go to
Finally, these two days looks like a week, and it was just great to be with u guys cause when I’m with one or several of u, I don’t why, but I feel just happy.
So for these entire people thank u a lot for this week end.
And for all the other, see u soon, because being together now is the same and tha’s the more important thing.
Kisses and hugs from