Friday, December 12, 2008

..........GOinG BaCk TrIP ................. ................GrEaT MeMoRiEs.....................


Family!!, I went back to our lovely city. It was werid. Yes, I miss you all soo much. But yes, I also had much fun...
Usually I start writing without thinking too much, but this trip I don´t know how to describe it., so I just will say what I remember I did, because I ended every day a bit stoned and "cervezoso" (beer-ing).

DAY1: I arrived on friday in Schipoll Airport, and until I heard the tipicall noise every 2 minutes which I used to dream with time ago ( "MaMu- Me") , I didn´t realized I was back. I meet my friend in Central Station at 6 and she took me directly to have some beers with my bag. After a couple of beers and joints I realized I leaved my bike on sarphati 4 months ago. We went there, but I was expecting no bike. I arrived there and get inside the "yellow" and that was so, so, so, so, fucking weird... I checked in the parking because I kept my keys, but no bike there.. I decided to talk to Tom, and after he saying this year there are no more partys and me saying sorry to him because of the ones of last year, I am not sorry at all, he come with me to check in the fucking "purple". And you now what??? Sudently, my bike showed up and said she was missing me so much.. Amazing!! After 4 months my bike still alive...
Before leaving, I went to see my place the 145 L room, but after feeling my body with "chicken-skin" I wasn´t brave enough to get inside.. So we had another beer and we went to her place. She leaved close to Erasmus Park, in other part of the city.. When I arrived there I realiced that I was supposed to be at Sara´s at 9. It was already 10.. After having dinner and biking through the hole city like "Flash", I arrived there. I had been some times in that house before.., but it didn´t look like it used at all. Kind of different decoration, different people, new porsh style (Sara´s brand..), but there where two faces I knew: Sara and Judith. We had some pictures and some beers and we went to Hotel Arena. We had much fun.. Ask Sara.. I haven´t seen her so drunk never..
I am going to summarize the trip because if not this will never end..

DAY2: I woke up I don´t know at what time, and I went to fix my bike. I had lunch and I went to my friends second house "Green house effect", one of the "survivors" places where you can still smoke and drink.. We stayed there until ¿?? and then my friend was tired of the nitgh before and went to sleep. I meet another friend there and we went to melgwek.

Day3: I meet directly my friend in a coffee at ¿?¿ because I don´t know what happened in this trip with our watches that where completly not working.. It was sunny so I made her and a friend of her a touristic visit of the city. ( one more) We went to VondelPark (not Picnoc this time), MuseumPlein( I AMSTERDAM and a new one..) some Coffeshops( I was making a hash collection to send..) and suddently Maciek called me ( yes the polish guy..). I took my friend to the bar by the Amstel hotel, the one which had sofas out side and a great cold coffee, and I told Maciek to meet there. Biking to the bar, I heard "Conde!" with a familiar voice, and I was thinking who can be this?? And suddently I looked foward and you know who was?? Fucking Ernest!! He recognice me. We talk a bit and then we left. Was great to see him.
Finally we arrived to the summer bar (it was not summer at all that day...) and I meet Maciek.We talked a lot about how our lives had change in just 4 months!!!!! He was not too happy, he told me Amsterdam is not the same any more.. But I had a great idea and we 4 went to our "Dards Bar". We had some beers as usuall... And we played. It was so easy because Maciek is not exactly Robin Hood, and my friend was as bad as you Robin..hehe. I am sorry man.. When I was there the bar-man recogniced me and asked me why I used to come so often before and not now.. I told him thay unfortunately, I was not living here any more.. At that moment I wanted to bet some beers at cricket, but no Adria, no Moflo, no Joan.... I just bet myself..And yes! I won..hehe (I know.. , really bad joke). After 2 hours there Maciek left and we had some beers in another bar and we went home.

DAY4: We woke up at ¿?, we had lunch, and we went to Cocos at 5 or 6( happy hour). We had 1 mojito, 2 mojitos, 3 mojitos........, 8 mojitos!! And the happy hour finished... We were a bit drunk already but the day just started.. so we went to have some beers to my friend second house, again! At ¿? I was already "cervezoso" , but some times I have great ideas. I realized it was monday so I told my friend to go to Winston. It was Drumm&Bass nitgh. Too much dancing, too many beers, too much money wasted, some joints, much fun, and at ?¿ the bar close.. Now it was time to try to get home, well, time to try to find before the bike and go home.. Once there, we eat something, some beers, some joints and ZzZzZz...

DAY5: It was time to send the letters. So it was the Coffe-Shop day. We went to Barneys, Dampkrim, BaBa, ....... I waste some more money and I made the letters. Before going to the best bar ever, I met Sarah in a Bar. We had some beers and she took me to the Borrel..It was at shitty as usual.. Afterwards we went to a new Bar, we met a friend of my friend, we had dinner and we went to my favourite bar: The Doos. The best Bar ever was open as usual, was cheap as usual, and I don´t have to tell you how we finished.. As usual..hehe.

DAY6 ( LAST DAY): We woke up at ¿?¿, had lunch and we went to the bar we used to go.. Beer, beer, beer, joint, beer, beer,... And sudently we realized we had not to much money.. So my friend had the idea of insted of having dinner eat a muffin and was like dinner and also an investment... So we did.. I had to tell you that my plane left from Eindhoven at 9.15, so I had to be in Central at 6.. Long trip, possiblilities of loosing the plain, risk, as usual.. The "cake" made its effect and we laugh a lot.. We had some beers until the money was over.. So it was time to go home, finish the luggage and rest a bit. When I realized I was at her place with everything done but it was 4.. Finally I knew the time.. So I rest 1 hour and I left to Central. I loked my bike and I hid the key and I went to Eindhoven. My friend found the bike and the key, so my bike is definetly a survaivor...

Well, this has been my "GoinG BaCk TrIp".. Maybe too long, but I really wanted to let you all know how it was, how where my feelings... In conclusion, I have to say that the first day was weird, I also went directly to Sarphati (and this was really hard...), but I am really happy because I have seen the city still great. Of course it has nothing to be without all you, but I realized that is possible to come back and have fun.. I was really worried about it..Remember family, Amstedam still Amsterdam (even being just half without you ...).
After this trip, I have to say that I have the willing, the wish, and I really think that some day, somehow we will all go back, just for a week, just for a weekend, just for a day, maybe just for some hours.. And if it is not possible, just close your eyes and we will all be in Sarphati.. Our memories will always be there, will always stay with us..

Missing you a lot..

kisses and hugs


Ps1: If you want to see the pictures click them... I am not good enough in computers as you know..

Ps2: ....Always Remembering, Never Forgeting....


. said...

Conde,s style! I,ll forgive you because i know that you haven,t written the whole story because of going to an exibition! (free beers and wine including...)

It,s great that you,ve gone to AMS, I,m not sure,.... If I could, Would I go alone?. Would You guys?


. said...

Hey!! I am really sorry about not finishing the story the other day.. But Mario told the truth.. I am an intelectual nowadays..hehe. Maybe now is too long..
Joan, what a crack!! You remember the words.. "Mind your step.."haha. So many times dreaming with that sound without a meaning for me..hehe


Sarah Marhula said...

Condito, I miss you man..we had a crazy night :P , I changed a lot, didnt I? hehehehe

I will kill you for saying that I'm posh!

Anonymous said...


Sounds like you had a lot of fun in Amsterdam. I'm glad it was as great as ever.

I'm not surprised at all that you spent the whole time drinking and smoking. ahahaha

Love you

Anonymous said...

Conde!! It was hard but finally I finish reading, jaja (bad joke) Is amazing how you shared everything here, thanks. Its great to know that it is possible to go back and to have fun without thinking all the time in last year. You are the bravest ever! And you know I love u.
See u soon in Madrid.

I cannot wait to go to have dinner in your new place..mmmm..