Monday, December 8, 2008

Sarphati Mix

It's Adria again. As I told you about a week ago I usually get bored while I'm studying. There was this one thing I've been trying to do since I came back: the Ultimate Sarphati Mix. This is something we discussed with Moflo, Conde and Robin when we were enjoying (¿?) our last days in Sarphati. We came up with like a 100 songs and then we selected 48, enough for 3 hours of music. We divided the songs in 3 groups, 16 songs each. The first album was meant to show the kind of music we used to listen when we went partying (or in Moflo-Conde's room). The second one was basically intended to have Paradiso-Melkweg related songs. The third album, the touching one, was supposed to be filled with songs we used to listen in Sarphati. Or at least that was the plan... then everything ended up all messed up and we even included a german drunk song in the Paradiso album. But, the main thing is that most of these songs will bring you back to Amsterdam and will make you think of the fun and tears we shared. Enjoy listening:

*If there's any problem with any link, let me know.


Anonymous said...

And guys, forgot to tell you that you need WinRar (*.rar) to open the archives. It's like WinZip but better. If you don't have it you can download it here: . If no one has it I can make a huge effort and upload the files zipped. Let me know!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mario, I looked for the hit of the last weeks in Sarphati ("LILLY"), but I couldn't find it anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Amazing Idea! I cant even believed that it has come from u guys!! JK!
Adria I can see how good ur study is...
BTW we have to meet up to finish our work....asap

good luck in ur advanced exam!2morow isnt it?

I've just downloaded the cds and it is ok for me, it works!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Adria!!! kiss!!


hector624 said...

Thank you very much Adrià!!!
It's great!!!

I take it as the best present that Sinterklaas could have ever given me! :)

I guess that these songs haven't helped you to concentrate while studying... :P
You deserve to pass just because of that :P

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, great!! At least adriá is like me, just hanging out,.... Study times is just an iching thing....

Thanks for this blondie!! Its nice thing, and the song you were looking for is called U turn (lili) in

Fucking advance!!! I,m gonna wait to the results, but I see things quite black this time.... :-S... How the hell does Joe understand to their friends? JK!! How it was for you?


Anonymous said...

incredible, i was'nt expecting anymore....
but thank u man
, we will listen them together soon

Anonymous said...

Adria, the mix is great! Thanks guys for making it.

Good memories
Now we just have to finish our 'Big Erasmus' project. I think that was number one on the list anyway.


Anonymous said...

hi guys, i just finished studying so i wanted listen the great CD that adria made. But i just realize that i can't . I am obliged to cut the song after 1o sec listening, too many memories and feelings coming out at the same time.
So time for me to go to sleep better that start thinking of last year..
pussy sollution... but the only one for the moment..
i love all of u guys and according to how am i affected by this stupid songs right now, the time doesn't change it...

. said...

Hey!! ADriaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! I need help!! I don´t know why but I cant download them.... Maybe my prehistoric computer?¿? If not I will copy them of u or of moflo...

Good job men.


. said...

Adria here:

You can't download them or you can't open them? I'm gonna switch to spanish if you don't mind.

Yo me los he intentado bajar ahora y me han funcionado. Simplemente le das al link y se abre una página de MediaFire y ahí le das a "Click here to start download..." se te debería abrir una ventana de esas de "Abrir", "Guardar", o "Cancelar"; le das a "Guardar", le dices donde y no debería haber ningún problema. ¿En qué momento te falla?

Dime algo, ok?

See you!

. said...

Rubiaa!! now yes! It´s done.
It´s great, good job.

see u soon.
