Sunday, July 20, 2008

ALmOsT BeRLin TrIp....

Hey Sarphati people!!I heard from some people that the return to the fucking reality is hard and weird.. I have not arrived yet to this world, but unfortunately I am coming soon.. I am not going to start saying sad things and great memories from the past, but be sure I will..
I just want to let you know how was our almost Berlin trip. We left Amsterdam the 16th after saying bye bye to Mahsa... so imagine.. We rented the car and we took the road direction to a city that aparently is impossible to reach.. When we were in "Hangover" Mahsa called us saying that she had just missed her plane.. So after thinking quite a lot we decided that we must go to Brussels to pick her up. So we did. Once there, and after maybe 10 hours of car, we went to this amazing bar that most of you will remember: The "guinest record beers bar" called Delirious. We slept in a hostel but we had a "quick beer" before in a kind of party in the same hostel.
Next morning, without knowing for sure where to go we decided to go to Lille, because was in the same way of London, which was aparently the choosen city to celebrate my birthday. We arrived in Lille(an unexpected nice city), we have a walk and we went early to sleep.
We had a kind of good breakfast in the hostel, and after calling my friend, who was suppose to give us accomodation in London but finally didn't, we had no fucking idea where to go. This was a weird but at the same time freedom sensation. After making a formal discussion we had the "great idea" of going to Luxembourg.. So once more we get in the car and drive some kilometers..
At 4 in the afternoon more o less we arrived in this small but beatiful country and city at the same time. We went to a hostel but....I do not know if thankfully or not, we had no place to sleep in the whole Luxemburg.. So as usual, we had no fucking idea of where to go..
We had a "free coffee" and a deep discusion and we decided to go to PARISSS without knowing if we were going to sleep or where to stay there. We get in our "secondhouse-car" and we left Luxembourg at 6. After a huge traffic jam and 4 hours of driving we arrived in Robin's city.. His family was really nice and they allowed us to slept that night there.
At 12 my unexpected birthday in Paris began. We went to QUEENs, a really cool but expensive place. We had much fun, but we were only 5.. I felt like there were at least 20 more people which must have been there with us this day... My friends, my Sarphati family...
Next day, we took the car direction to Brussels again.. We all had a strange feeling of happiness because of the great trip we just made, but also of sadness, because of having to say bye to Mahsa again.. We had dinner in a little village, and unfortunately we had to go to the, from now on, most hated airport ever..
So, the trip was great, but it began and finished in a sad way.. But I think for the 5 of us it has been a trip we will never forget...

I wish all of you could have been there with us.

Lots of love. We miss you.



Anonymous said...

Nice trip!
But what do u mean by free coffee???
did they treat u in Luxembourg?
nice people, huh?


. said...

more like the guys stole the coffee. but hey, free is free.


Anonymous said...

Of course they stole the coffee Ln, I wish I had been there,....
Nice story guys, nice trip!!! finally to luxemburg, hahaha fucking conde is a leader and fucking lucky, he always gets what he wants, :-)

I miss you moflo, adria, conde, robin, and Mahsa!

(and of course the rest of the people too)


Anonymous said...

Post Number 3 ----- MARIO (sorry :-S)

Anonymous said...

Comme on people! Im not that innocent !I was being sarcastic!

I was so borring " studying " for a test /interview that I've been comenting all the post!


Anonymous said...

I like the map..and the story!
